Sunday, November 3, 2019

Why We Play/ Gaming Can Make a Better World

Two topics discussed in "Why We Play" that stuck out to me were stress relief and personal empowerment. In this story, games are said to relieve stress because the player is not focusing on it. This also works because people have a more positive attitude. Stress relief is portrayed in "Gaming Can Make a Better World" when McGonigal describes how gaming allows players to "escape real world suffering". Gaming rids of negative feelings, and produces optimism and happiness. Personal empowerment is described in the reading as a feeling of control over a person's own world. According to the reading, this feeling can transfer over from fantasy world to real life. Examples of this in the video were included when McGonigal discussed changing the world. Gamers often believe they can change their fantasy world, and she is hopeful that that belief will transfer to the real world. She also mentions "epic wins", in which the player finds out what they are capable of, which would increase confidence.


  1. Hello! I also wrote about stress. I think it is cool that some are able to use the game as a way to get rid of some stress, while simultaneously boosting their confidence. I am not sure why video games get such bad backlash since they clearly have some benefit!

  2. I also agree that games offer a way to "escape real world suffering." For many games are a safe heaven and a stress reliever, for this same reason they enjoy playing games. It's amazing how gaming can get rid of negative feelings, like mentioned in your post.
